100+ Beautiful Jewelry Store Designs - Part 3

100+ Beautiful Jewelry Store Designs - Part 3

Views : 1383
Date : 10 - 10 Jul 2020

100+ Beautiful Jewelry Store Designs - Part 3


Some jewelry stores feel like truly magical places and it boggles the mind how much time, money and attention is usually spent to create something even remotely as fascinating as one of the store designs in the gallery below. But, nonetheless, from time to time truly unique jewelry store designs can be found while searching for that special jewelry item. We’re talking about the types of jewelry stores that actually leave you with the impression that you haven’t visited “yet another Swarovski reseller at the mall".

Sunbird Display & Packaging Manufacturer Co., Ltd founded in 1994, we are China's jewelry display manufacture industry leaders, have more than 25 years experiences, we specialize in the design and customization of Display For Jewelry, Jewelry Box, Jewelry Trays, Ring Display, Necklace Display, Jewelry Packaging and so on. Various styles, various sizes, affordable price, welcome to order.


We've put in quite a bit of time to curate some of the best designs out there and we hope this gallery will help you build one of the stores worthy of it:

Harry Winston Jewelry Store opens a boutique with cutting edge blue and grey setting in Cannes.

More inspiration from this open concept showroom of a Hyannis Jewelry Store.
More inspiration from this open concept showroom of a Hyannis Jewelry Store.

Although it might seem cold, the design of this interior is just stunning - Holt Renfrew, Burdifilek.
Although it might seem cold, the design of this interior is just stunning - Holt Renfrew, Burdifilek.

This is exactly the kind of unique inspiration that one seeks. Hermsen designed the interior and its fixtures to reflect the mood and essence of the month of August.
This is exactly the kind of unique inspiration that one seeks. Hermsen designed the interior and its fixtures to reflect the mood and essence of the month of August.

Idea for a jewelry shop display from this cute little jewelry store in Hawaii.
Idea for a jewelry shop display from this cute little jewelry store in Hawaii.

A jewelry gallery by Harry Winston in the Shanghai Pavilion, with a cozy home like style.
A jewelry gallery by Harry Winston in the Shanghai Pavilion, with a cozy home-like style.

Harry Winston salon in Shanghai looks just like a cozy home, you don't even notice that you are shopping.
Harry Winston salon in Shanghai looks just like a cozy home, you don't even notice that you are shopping.

When simple looks good, why change it? Inspiration from Harry Winston's shop in Harrods.
When simple looks good, why change it? Inspiration from Harry Winston's shop in Harrods.

Joey Ho Design created this stunning futuristic look for the interior of Germania Jewellery Store.
Joey Ho Design created this stunning futuristic look for the interior of Germania Jewellery Store.

The name and the decor are perfect for GALA BRIDAL jewelry shop, designed by Ichiro Nishiwaki Design Office, Tokyo – Japan.
The name and the decor are perfect for GALA BRIDAL jewelry shop, designed by Ichiro Nishiwaki Design Office, Tokyo – Japan.

Sahlia Jewelry Studio shows us some great ideas of frames used for jewelry display.
Sahlia Jewelry Studio shows us some great ideas of frames used for jewelry display.

Jewelry store interior design created with led lights and stainless steel legs. Although modest, it has a lot of elegance.
Jewelry store interior design created with led lights and stainless steel legs. Although modest, it has a lot of elegance.

UNOde50 simplistic display of the jewelry store in Fashion Island, Newport Beach.
UNOde50 simplistic display of the jewelry store in Fashion Island, Newport Beach.

White furniture is quite popular, and if you want some pop to it just add an exiting color like pink - Fabienne Miot store.
White furniture is quite popular, and if you want some pop to it just add an exiting color like pink - Fabienne Miot store.

Simple white decor design for the Fabergé Pop-up Egg Bar at Harrods.
Simple white decor design for the Fabergé Pop-up Egg Bar at Harrods.

The Association for Retail Environments gave Tiffany & Co the "Store of the year" award for this gem.

Luxurious displays at the Doruk Kuyumculuk, a jewelry store in Istanbul, Turkey.
Luxurious displays at the Doruk Kuyumculuk, a jewelry store in Istanbul, Turkey.

Pop art inspiration from the Dodo Boutique jewelry store by Paola Navone in Florence.
Pop art inspiration from the Dodo Boutique jewelry store by Paola Navone in Florence.

Elegant mate black and mirror create a beautiful illusion - Christian Dior Boutique, Taipei 101, Taiwan.
Elegant mate black and mirror create a beautiful illusion - Christian Dior Boutique, Taipei 101, Taiwan.

Diane von Furstenberg launches a premium fashion jewelry store and this is what it looks like.
Diane von Furstenberg launches a premium fashion jewelry store and this is what it looks like.

Design idea for a jewelry store with a centered flower piece and displays on the sides.
Design idea for a jewelry store with a centered flower piece and displays on the sides.

De Beers Diamond Jewellers glass display of luxurious pieces in the Vancouver store.
De Beers Diamond Jewellers glass display of luxurious pieces in the Vancouver store.

A store that looks like a home with jewelry displayed inside - Darren McClung Jewelry.
A store that looks like a home with jewelry displayed inside - Darren McClung Jewelry.

Crockers interior decoration and jewelry glass displays with beautiful ceiling art.
Crockers interior decoration and jewelry glass displays with beautiful ceiling art.

Glass cover for UNO de 50 jewelry store display in Tampa, Florida.
Glass cover for UNO de 50 jewelry store display in Tampa, Florida.

Unusual interrupted jewelry displays seen at Centro Felicita Sendai.
Unusual interrupted jewelry displays seen at Centro Felicita Sendai.

Millington Associates created an elegant display for the Cartier Bridal collection at Harrods.
Millington Associates created an elegant display for the Cartier Bridal collection at Harrods.

The stunning interior of the Bucherer store by Blocher Blocher Partners, St.Moritz Switzerland.
The stunning interior of the Bucherer store by Blocher Blocher Partners, St.Moritz Switzerland.

Very modern and elegant design and decoration seen in the Bucherer retail jewelry stores.
Very modern and elegant design and decoration seen in the Bucherer retail jewelry stores.

Bucherer retail jewelry stores give a luxurious and elegant feeling with this setting.
Bucherer retail jewelry stores give a luxurious and elegant feeling with this setting.

Almost unrealistic, and mesmerizing design for the Boutique Les Malles Moynat in Paris, France. DESIGNED BY GWENAEL NICOLAS / CURIOSITY  - Photo : Kristen Pelou.
Almost unrealistic, and mesmerizing design for the Boutique Les Malles Moynat in Paris, France. DESIGNED BY GWENAEL NICOLAS / CURIOSITY - Photo : Kristen Pelou.